Frequently Asked Questions

Comprehensive answers about The Docks, Mooney's Bay and our process.

About The Docks

What is the development happening on site?

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Are the units available for sale?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

How will you access the site?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

Is there any greenspace reserved on the site?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

who is the developer?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

Who is the builder?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

How long is the construction phase?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

what are the property taxes?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

Will there be condo board/structure and fees?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

Is there any greenspace reserved on the site?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

What are the noise levels like?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

About The condos

Who designed the condo buildings?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

what amenities will be offered?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

Are the condos concrete or stick frame construction?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

what steps are being taken to mitigate the noise pollution?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

do you offer parking?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

do you offer storage?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

will there be security?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

how will the buildings be heated?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

are hot water tanks included?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

will there be upgrade packages available?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

are appliances included?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

will the condos have ev hook up?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

About The townhouses

Are there different design options for the townhomes?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

How are the townhomes fraMed?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

how will the townhouses be heated?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

is there a yard?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

is there a garage?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

who designed the townhouses?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

are there shared services for the townhouses?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

are the basements finished or unfinished?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

will there be upgrade packages available?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

are appliances included?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.


Are there incentives for first time homebuyers?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

are you working with anyone for mortgages?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.

will you have a design centre?

This plus button indicates the action to open up the accordion.